So, you have an issue….you’ve tried to resolve it out of court but it did not work. So what now? time to hire a lawyer? where do you begin? what kind of lawyer do I even need? If you are at least a Millennial your first thought is “let me check google” most Gen Z’ers will resort to TikTok but either way, your research has commenced.
Like doctors, there are many types of lawyers. You wouldn’t go to an ear, nose and throat person if you were experiencing heart palpitations; well, selecting a specialized lawyer is no different. There are many types of lawyers out there. For example, some handle divorce issues, child custody issues, family law, bankruptcy, criminal defense, personal injury, patent and trademark, and the list goes on and on. What may help you determine the best lawyer to seek is narrowing down your issue. Are you involved in a matter that revolves around your child? your spouse? maybe a business partner? Knowing what the main issue will help you narrow down your search…Yes, of course you can tell siri your whole issue and hope she can spit back some suggestions but the lawyer that practices the kind of law for which you need legal assistance with, will likely be found through research.
I like to start with the friends and family method. To me, it is one of the best resources for lawyer referrals. You can also move on to the colleagues, co-workers depending how much of your business you want to put out there. Both methods are great ways to find the perfect lawyer for your case. If family and friends or colleagues and co-workers are not an option, try an ole fashion online scavenger hunt when there is a plethora of online lawyer databases that can makes this task a cinch. Attorney databases and directories such as AVVO, Justia, Martindale, Lawyers.com, Superlawyers.com, and even your local and state bar associations are excellent attorney referral sources.
Once you’ve complied your list of referrals, start getting your information and questions together. Financially, be prepared to shell out a consult fee. Most attorney’s will charge for their time. While some attorneys do not charge for a consult, others do so either be ready to shell out some money or ask up front before you even start talking.
Major Key Alert: When selecting a lawyer, you should feel comfortable enough with your attorney to honestly and transparently share all the facts of your case. There should be a mutual respect,reciprocity, and a degree of professionalism and standard of care that inspires you to make this important hire. Remember, they represent your interests and are addressing the court or other parties on your behalf.