How to Handle Inappropriate Remarks from Your Boss as a Paralegal

How to Handle Inappropriate Remarks from Your Boss as a Paralegal

Inappropriate remarks from a boss, or anyone for that matter, in and out of the work place is exceptionally frustrating. However, for many in the legal field this experience is a harsh reality that reoccurs on a daily basis and has for many generations. One would assume this constant annoyance faced specifically by many POC in every aspect of life would be on a steady decline but nope! In-fact, the lack of respect and representation in the legal and corporate workspace has become a huge factor for POC starting their businesses.

In today’s climate, speaking up and standing up for yourself is more important than ever. I recognize the impossibility of some to start their own business and that not everyone feels comfortable confronting that disrespectful coworker. While there is no direct method or way of handling issues such as this, here are a few suggestions on how to address the issue with that one headache of a co-worker:


As Paralegals, we understand everything we do can affect the attorney’s we work for. From dealing with confidentially factors to missing deadlines. A lawyer will definitely be quick to make this clear but lack the ability to realize everything they say or do can also affect your work product. Sometimes a one on one meeting with that one headache allows both sides to get out their feelings.


Remember to always cover your ass by documenting everything. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable talking to that person one on one. Send them an email in a soft by stern tone letting them know what they said did not sit right with you. If you are lucky enough to be in a firm that has an HR department, you might want to CC them to the email to make sure your words are accurately documented.


I know what you are thinking, why in the world would you want to take the person that is aggravating you to lunch? Well sometimes it all about a mind game. You know, the “When they go low, we go high” mentality. Be the bigger person and spend a few dollars to get them to listen to you. Now, don’t go crazy, you can simply go to Starbucks or any place within your budget. Sometimes getting the person and yourself comfortable enough to have an honest discussion about facts allows both sides to speak freely.


Okay, If 1-3 seemly do not work or you just can’t seem to be bothered with wasting your time and /or funds maybe it’s just time to seek some spiritual guidance. You know, Pray, Slay, Work….or Work, Pray, Slay. Figure out what order works best for you and seek guidance of some sort. Maybe a simple morning mediation or Sunday service will clear your mind and give you a better game plan or way to attack the issue.