Run Your Paralegal Career

Run Your Paralegal Career

My exercise of choice when it comes to wellness is cardio. Specifically running. No, not because of my Jamaican heritage or because of the Olympics but because I find a good jog after a long stressful day to be detoxing and releasing. I realized while running one day that the paralegal legal career and running […]

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Travel + Leisure Ideas for Paralegals

Travel + Leisure Ideas for Paralegals

Staying stationary and working solely at one’s desk is a thing of a past. As we’ve known for decades, humans need to move in order to thrive. Sitting is a big part of the legal industry especially for Paralegals. We get desks that raise up and down or under the desk treadmills to counter the […]

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Finding Fulfillment In Your Paralegal Career

Finding Fulfillment In Your Paralegal Career

In the often intense world of law, navigating a fulfilling career as a Paralegal can feel like a challenge. However, with the right mindset and approach, it is entirely possible to experience a sense of purpose and satisfaction in your work. One key aspect of feeling fulfilled in your legal career is aligning your values […]

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Paralegals and Arbitration

Paralegals and Arbitration

Arbitration is a process of resolving disputes between two or more parties outside of the court system. It is a form of alternative dispute resolution that is less formal and more flexible than litigation. In arbitration, an impartial third party known as an arbitrator hears both sides of the dispute and makes a binding decision. […]

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Tis the Season to Stress

Tis the Season to Stress

he holiday season is often a time of joy, but it can also be a source of stress for many people. Paralegals, in particular, may experience increased pressure during the holidays due to the demands of their job. However, there are several strategies that paralegals can use to manage holiday stress and maintain their well-being. […]

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How to Deal with A Disappointing Raise

How to Deal with A Disappointing Raise

For most Paralegals, raise season comes at different times of the year. You’ve put in all of your billable hours and then some in most cases. You’ve made sure you’ve gone to work early and stayed late, you’ve communicated with your attorney, you  basically feel like you’ve hit all the right points and come time […]

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How to Use Your Time Wisely

How to Use Your Time Wisely

Working in the legal field can be both challenging and rewarding. Paralegals and legal professionals must be able to handle high pressure situations, think critically, and communicate effectively. However, with so much on their plates, it can be challenging to make the most of your time.  Here are some tips to help  make the most […]

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Travel Tips for The Paralegal On The Go

Travel Tips for The Paralegal On The Go

It’s summertime! and with that, comes travel plans. As a paralegal, it can be challenging to balance work and travel. However, with the right planning and mindset, you can make the most of your trips while staying on top of your responsibilities. Here are some travel tips for the paralegal on the go: By following […]

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