What Paralegals Really Do

What Paralegals Really Do

When people hear the word paralegal, they often think of someone buried in paperwork, drowning in case files, or endlessly typing away at a keyboard. While that’s not entirely wrong but, there’s so much more to what we do. . A paralegal’s role is more than just paperwork. At its core, a paralegal’s job is […]

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Productivity Tips and Strategies for Freelance Paralegals to Manage Workload Efficiently

Productivity Tips and Strategies for Freelance Paralegals to Manage Workload Efficiently

As a freelance paralegal, you’re often juggling multiple clients, tight deadlines, and complex cases—all while managing your own business. Staying productive isn’t just a bonus; it’s essential for maintaining your sanity and delivering top-notch work. Below are some practical productivity tips and strategies to help you manage your workload more efficiently. 1. Master Time Management […]

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5 Steps to Start Your Freelance Paralegal Journey in 2025

5 Steps to Start Your Freelance Paralegal Journey in 2025

So you’ve developed a “why”. Why not go freelance? why am I doing this still? why am I not making more money? Whatever your “Why” is, it has brought you to a feeling of “Why not” try something different. Being a paralegal is not easy. To say, deciding to go the unconventional way of freelance […]

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What is A Scheduling Order?

What is A Scheduling Order?

Many types of documents pass over a paralegal’s desk or in the freelance world, we receive a lot of emails regarding electronic filings. Often times, we come across a document executed by the Judge called a “Scheduling Order”. This document usually involves some in-depth guidelines and due dates that will help move a case along. […]

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The Importance of Giving Clear Instructions

The Importance of Giving Clear Instructions

One of the major tasks of a paralegal is to provide clients with instructions. Where it be to inform them about how a deposition works, how to get there, how to use the necessary technology needed for remote depositions and more. The paralegals job is to clearly inform other people on what is next. Clear […]

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Supplements Paralegals Can Take During Stressful Seasons

Supplements Paralegals Can Take During Stressful Seasons

If you are a returning visitor to this site, then you may already know we are all about wellness here at RF Legal Support. In fact, way before the inception of RF Legal Support, our founder worked as a pharmacy technician for many years. While she saw the many side effects of big pharma (you […]

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So You Decided To Be A Freelance Paralegal, Now What?

So You Decided To Be A Freelance Paralegal, Now What?

So you’ve made the decision to go freelance and have no clue what you should do next. Well, the first thing you should understand is uncertainty is normal but you made the decision and know what you want to do. That’s a big deal! so congratulations on making that first step. Do not expect to […]

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