So what exactly is a request for production? As a general overview, a request for production is a legal request for documents, electronically stored information, or other tangible items made in the course of litigation.
Be Specific
There are several parts to a request in order for it to be deemed proper. For one, the requestor, or person making the request, must be sure to state the type of documents or records that are being sought. Be specific. Know exactly what you are requesting. Make sure you have the correct entity in which you are making the request from. For example, if you are requesting dental records for the opposing side, you may want to make sure you are sending the request to a dental office and not a general practitioner’s office.
Subject Matter
The request should be super clear as to what information you are seeking. The request should include key terms related to the request. Even if the request appears to be well known and something that should be assumed, don’t automatically think the person or entity you are sending the request to will know what the request is about.
Include Location and Date
The location and dates of the records that are being sought are very important when requesting records. It assist the person responding to the request with pinpointing the location of the records. If the date or date range of the request is not included, the person or entity responding to the request might return the request as insufficient information which can cause a delay.
Background Information
Providing as much background information is another important component in a request for production. This makes it easier to locate the information requested.